Polish Version

Eksperyment poprzez Internet - START Why by INTERNET?

Explore Magnetic Domains with the use of the INTERNET

Working from any point in the World with a simple personal computer on the INTERNET, now one can obtain data from an experiment by remote control. This solution has been known in a scientific research for many years. Recently with the appearance of the new, "INTERNET" accessible laboratories for students at school/university or at home. Complicated setups a long with expensive equipment, are now connected to the most popular medium - the INTERNET. This is an excellent way to promote a Physics idea to many users who can use the experimental setup on different levels.
this is a REAL EXPERIMENT !!! No simulation !!! No Java Applets !!

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Laboratory of Magnetism, Faculty of Physics, University of Białystok
Białystok Branch Polish Physical Society,
Ciołkowskiego 1L, 15-245 Białystok 15-424, Poland, E-mail: dobrog@uwb.edu.pl WWW: http://labfiz.uwb.edu.pl/exp/domeny01/
Last modification: October 17, 2019